Google used to take about a month to crawl and index around 50 million pages in 1999. In 2012, however, it started accomplishing the same task in a mere few minutes. And as Google advanced, it attracted more and more searches, ...
A professional and User friendly WordPress theme is the key to driving traffic to your website site. By using the multitude of functionalities available and attractive themes, this will get you a foothold and take heed of what ...
WordPress Theme Frameworks have really made it convenient for the developers to customize the themes, which wasn’t possible earlier. These theme suites empower the developers and webmasters to switch when using multiple themes, without losing any code or access to ...
There are many ways of improving product’s sales on a ThemeForest. Some authors choose advertising and SEO, some go further and develop marketing campaigns to promote their items, some just self-promote on forums and in comments. However, without knowing the ...
In the Digital Era, content marketing and SEO have overshadowed more traditional marketing techniques. Search engine optimization is a very dynamic field: every new year brings with it fresh SEO trends that reshape search engine queries and the content we’re ...