Understanding The Importance Of Long Form Sales Page

Sophia Phillips
5 Min Read
short from vs long form

Selling stuff online isn’t an easy job. You need to invest a good amount of time, money and efforts into making your products and services reach a wider group of targeted audience. If you’re thinking about selling something online, a well-defined, eye-catchy website should top your list of priorities. Equipping your corporate website with a long landing page is perhaps an excellent technique of growing your sales by huge bounds and leaps. Keep on reading this post to know more about the vital role played by a long form sales page in enhancing the conversion rate of a business website.

long page

Long landing Pages VS Concise landing pages

Quite similar to the concise landing pages, even the long landing pages have been successful in creating a unique niche of their own. While the short landing pages contain just enough content to make a sale, the long form sales page serve as viable means of telling your story and setting a perfect stage for conversion.

Situations where having a long-form sales page for your e-sales website does all the ‘MAGIC’

1. When your products/services cost a hefty sum of cash

Online buyers tend to get anxious while purchasing things from web-based stores. Therefore, as an e-merchant, it is your responsibility to include as much copy in your website as possible so as to entice the customer about your range of products and services. Since a bigger price tag is accompanied by greater number of objections, it is recommended to take out the required amount of time for countering each query placed on your landing page. It is here that a long-form sales page has a significant role to play. Such a page allows you to clear up the customer’s fears as to whether they’ll be receiving enough value for the amount that they’ll be spending.

2. When your prospects aren’t much familiar with solutions available for their problem

On the basis of varying level of awareness of your prospect, you’ll be required to provide varying degrees of information in order to make them hit the ‘Buy’ button. Therefore, including a long-form sales page is what you need to do in order to address the prospect in accordance to his/her current state of awareness. However, if you are unaware about the potential customer’s level of familiarity with the solutions rendered by you, then it becomes essential for you to find out the same for striking the right argument. It is here that including a long copy within your website makes the prospects comfortable with the solutions you have in store for them.

3. When your web design is overpowering your business message

Well, it is a known fact that going plain or ugly with your web design isn’t the right way to get maximum conversions. You need to have a gorgeous design for your long-form sales page while ensuring that the message is being conveyed in the right way. Make sure that cool graphics and eye-catchy photos aren’t getting into the way of getting your business message across the targeted audience.

4. When your product/service has multiple moving parts

Well, more the number of features available in your product/service, the more copy you’ll have to include on your landing page. There is a specific correlation between the cost/complexity of a product/service offering and the length of the website landing page.

5. When your story isn’t compelling the visitors positively

Irrespective of the product/service that you’re selling via your website, the prospects might require a lot of information for getting converted into high-paying leads. It is your landing page’s copy which can tell a compelling story and motivate potential customers to undertake major purchases. It is highly advised to key in the pain of your prospects and reflect the same back to them along with a promise of rendering a solution as they choose to scroll down the landing page.


Whether you’re promoting a product as an affiliate or one of your own, the sooner you realize the importance of a long-form sales page, the better it is. By enjoying a greater exposure of your business profile, it becomes convenient for you to gather the eye-balls of a wider population of customers who’re on a look out for products and services similar to the ones offered by you.

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